safyre radiOfrequency

Information and price list


‘It’s like a hot stone massage, but far better!’

It is possible to radically slow down present and future ageing of the skin with Safyre treatments. Its facial and body treatments obtain unique results, erasing the passing of time and contouring the figure in an unbeatable way.  The purpose of radio frequency is to improve the quality of the skin and stimulate collagenesis by heating the adipose tissue and tissue at cutaneous level through heat diffusion.  Radio frequency is one of the fastest technologies on the market. It is a non-invasive and painless method suitable for all types of patients. The results offered by safyre are visible from the first session and are long lasting on the skin.

Skin tightening

Single Treatment £95

Can be purchased as a taster session prior to a course

Course of 6 £525

To be carried out every 7-10 days 

Top up Session £85

Usually every 4 - 12 weeks after course completed



Single Treatment £135

Can be purchased as a taster session prior to a course

Course of 6 £750

To be carried out every 7-10 days 

Top up Session £125

Usually every 4 - 12 weeks after course completed


  • Safyre has been designed to adapt it to the needs of each patient; its accessories have interchangeable heads facilitating the comfort of the treatments and improving the results. With Safyre you can achieve: redefinition of facial contour; reduction of wrinkles and expression lines; reduction of bags and rings; lifting of the periocular area; naso labial wrinkles filling; body drainage; cellulite elimination; body fat (pocket) reduction and contouring.   

  • Radio frequency aims to heat the different layers of the dermis in a controlled way in order to active the collagen formation, the lymphatic drainage, the fibroblasts migration, and the skin and subcutaneous tissue circulation.  Safyre is a radio frecuency device indicated for facial rejuvenation and body contouring.  

  • Safyre produces a heating at dermic level which stimulates the collagen production causing an immediate tightening effect and a visible improvement of the tissues. There is a wrinkles reduction of a 3% and the skin is lighter and more toned.

  • Cellulite elimination and body reaffirmation are the results that Safyre offers from the first session. The secret is in the elastin fibres and collagen activation that helps to regenerate damaged skin and to reduce fat tissue. The effect is a smooth and firm skin as well as a visible reduction of the fat tissue.   

  • Safyre is suitable for the four stages of ageing, obtaining maximum results in each skin type.  Stage I: This is an initial stage. There are no wrinkles or if there are they are very fine. Slightly pronounced pigmentary alterations are observed. It is associated with young women with photo- ageing due to extrinsic factors such as climate and bad habits.  Stage II: The first expression lines appear. It is associated with moderate photo-ageing and the skin shows a slight sallow colouring. Paranasal lines are observed.  Stage III: Advanced photo-ageing. The skin shows a pronounced sallow colouring and presents pigmentary abnormalities.  Stage IV: Wrinkles are deep and the skin presents a sallow-greyish colour. Flaccidity is very pronounced and the facial oval presents sagging and very little definition.    

  • Safyre works in 3 phases:  Drainage: In this phase the elimination of the liquid found between the walls of the different cells of the tissue is produced by natural processes.  Reduction: Localised adiposity is treated on certain parts of the body. Three characteristics of tissue are differentiated: soft, oedematous or fibrotic, and it is necessary to identify these in order to obtain the best results.  Reaffirming: Activation of the collagen and elastin fibres to provide greater firmness of the skin and a redefining and tightening effect.

  • To obtain the best results with Safyre, we recommend that clients receive a series of treatments, ranging between 6 and 15, depending on the individual needs of each one. Weekly treatments are recommended in order to obtain  the desired results.    

  • The contra-indications of radio frequency are minimum, however this type of treatment is not recommended in the case of pregnancy or breast feeding and persons with serious heart disease, internal defibrillators, pace makers or connective tissue and neuromuscular diseases. Anyone with large pieces metal work in their body (such as plates or joints) should also avoid this treatment.  These are the main contra- indications. Your physician or therapist will inform you of others.